World-famous Kashmiri Kahwa

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Green Cup

Kashmiri Kahwa is a flavorful, mild green tea brewed in Kashmir. The word Kahwa finds its origin in the Arabic word “qahwah” meaning aromatic beverage. It is said to provide a variety of health advantages, including boosting the immune system and reducing body fat.  With whole spices, saffron, and almonds, kahwa is a flavorful, mild green tea that is traditionally brewed in Kashmir. Always serve kahwa hot as it is a warming tea. Kashmiri Kahwa, a comforting dish that complements the region’s chilly environment, is made with whole spices and saffron.  Kashmiri Kahwa Tea is healthful in addition to keeping you warm during the winter (we actually enjoy it all year round). 

How to make Kahwa

Prep Time: 9 Min

1 piece cinnamon, 2-inch 2 green cardamom pods 6 dried rose petals 1 large pinch saffron 1 1/2 teaspoon kahwa green tea sugar, to taste (optional) Garnish: 4 almonds, slivered Saffron  

Cook Time: 4 Min


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Step 1

One litre or 4 cups of water should be brought to a boil in a pot. Add the cinnamon and the dried rose petals, then mix. Boil for two minutes after adding the saffron. 

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Step 2

After adding the kahwa green tea, lowering the heat, stirring, and turning it off. Permit to steep or brew for three to five minutes. 

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Step 3

Place the garnish, which should be equal parts almonds and saffron, in six cups or glasses in the meantime. Those who want their Kashmiri kahwa tea sweetened might add optional sugar after pouring hot tea over the garnish and serving it right after. 

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Health Benefits Of Kahwa

Improve Digestion Maintain Weight Support Immunity Stress Busting Properties Glow to your skin  Pump Up the Energy Goodbye Sniffle

Floral Separator

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